On the agenda of the EGM there are essentially two topics that will be put to a vote:
- Listing of Triodos Bank depository receipts on Euronext
- Reduction of the issued capital by means of lowering the nominal value per share in Triodos Bank.
After explaining and discussing each agenda item, SAAT concluded to vote in favour of all items on the agenda of the EGM.
A detailed explanation of SAAT’s choices can be found via this link, the full meeting can be listened to via this link to the webcast of the SAAT meeting. The webcast can be listened to in Dutch, English, German, French and Spanish.
SAAT’s voting statement regarding voting items on Triodos Bank’s EGM agenda
Item | Description | Position
2.c. | Approval of the listing of depository receipts for shares in the capital of Triodos Bank and admission for trading on Euronext | For |
3. | Proposal to reduce the issued capital of Triodos Bank by means of lowering the nominal value per share | For |
4.a. | Amendment of the Articles of Association of Triodos Bank in connection with the listing of depository receipts for shares in the capital of Triodos Bank and admission for trading on Euronext and authorisation to execute the deed of amendment | For |
4.b. | Amendment of the Articles of Association of Triodos Bank in connection with the reduction of issued capital and authorisation to execute the deed of amendment | For |